CORE: WHy it is Important


Whether you are an elite athlete or a computer programmer, almost every motion you make either originates in your core or moves through it.  A strong core provides the basis for efficient, dynamic movement while increasing stability and balance.  Conversely, a weak core can restrict how well your upper and lower extremities function thereby limiting efficient movement which results in loss of power and predisposes your body to injury.

The three primary benefits of core strengthening are: injury prevention; rehabilitation from injury; and improving performance.  As discussed above, core stability is critical in preventing injury to the lower back and spine and therefore it is necessary to strengthen all core muscles, rather than certain muscles in isolation, to reduce the risk of injury due to muscle imbalance.  Athletes with strong core stability will certainly have a competitive edge over other athletes whose primary focus on core development is achieving washboard abs.

Core strengthening is a vital element of any rehabilitation program for low back pain, sacroiliac pain and as well as hamstring strain and shoulder pain.  And let’s not forget pre/post pregnancy and c-section recovery (or any other abdominal surgery).  Recovery and pain reduction is achieved by providing firm support beneath the muscles that provide movement.  Core strengthening exercises are an essential part of most treatment plans for pain and injury in the low back and surrounding areas and are commonly used by physiotherapists and other injury therapists.